Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, Kingdom greetings!

No doubt you have been following the developments with COVID-19 particularly over the last few weeks. Indeed, these are trying times and it’s understandable that so many are anxious about their risk of contracting the infection. You may also have heard the Prime Minister’s statement to the effect of families bracing themselves for the death of their loved ones before their time.

Yet in all these, our response must be guided by the word of God, as the final verdict and authority over our lives. As believers in Christ, we esteem the office of the Prime Minister. Nevertheless, we know that God’s authority supersedes that of the Prime Minister. There is good news, brothers and sisters. God has a word about the COVID- 19 situation.

“If you make the Lord your refuge,
If you make the Most High your shelter,

No evil will conquer you;
No plague will come near your home.”

Psalm 91:9-10 (NLT) 

COVID-19 is one of several pandemics that humanity has faced over many years. The list includes Spanish flu, Swine flu, Bird flu and Bubonic plague to name a few. In spite of this, God has given us his word that whatever name the plague may bear, it will not come near us, because as believers we are hid in Christ Jesus (this makes God himself our shelter and refuge). This is the reality for every believer and it’s imperative that we all let this truth sink into our spirits.

So, in this season, choose to not meditate on the content of news from the TV channels or social media platforms. This will only do one thing to you – cause you to be fearful. Rather, choose to meditate on what God says in his word concerning you and this season. This will help build you faith upon God’s unfailingly promises. Continue to apply Godly wisdom by reducing physical contact and maintaining universal hygiene precautions such as hand washing. Above all, be confident in the safety that is found in Christ Jesus, both for you and your household.

In line with God’s word instructing us not to forsake the gathering together of each other, we encourage you to continue to participate in Church services even at this time. Our Sunday and Wednesday services will continue to hold at the same times. Wednesday services will hold on the Zoom platform for now. Sunday services will hold in the church auditorium and will also be streamed live to Facebook and Zoom. All who want to attend Sunday services in person are welcome to do so. Please do NOT attend if you are unwell with fever, cough or loss of smell. Also ensure that you keep to social distancing and hand hygiene measures whilst in the church. The Children’s church will hold its meetings on Zoom.

The Zoom login details for our meetings are as below:

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 743 423 5761

Password: 399593


Should you become unwell, if you need help, prayer or spiritual support, we enjoin you to get in touch with the Church leadership by phoning 07426025135. We will pray with you and minister to your needs, for the prayer of faith heals the sick.

May you and your household continue to enjoy the safety that is available in the secret place of the Most High God, in Jesus name, Amen.

Yours sincerely, 

Dr Henry Akintunde Lead Minister 

Worship Address: 28-34 Wellington Street, Northampton NN1 3AS

Telephone: +44(0)7426025135 E-mail: